Do Your Leaders Know You?

I was thinking on this today.

Do your leaders know you? Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice…they do not follow another.”

Accusations and lies will be spread about you. People will be coming that want to destroy you. There are two voices and one victim in a matter of conflict.

When these accusations are hurled, do your leaders know you? Do they know your voice? Your leaders will know you by close relationship. Have they spent enough time with you to know your character? Your leaders will know your character by your credibility. Do you follow through for them?

If you have a close relationship and they KNOW you, then when other voices arise, they will not be swayed.

If people are swayed, there are two possible issues: 1) You have not spent time with them in close relationship, exhibited character and followed through or 2) They are swayed because they allow themselves to believe lies.

In all conflict and false accusations, you will find out if your leaders really know you.

~ by Kevin Bordeaux on February 11, 2010.

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